Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am an optimist

I really enjoyed this blog. This guy is a great teacher and I would loved to have been in his class. If i was a parent at this school I would make sure my child was in his class. I try me hardest to stay positive all the time. This summer I am taking three classes and working all the time. It is so easy for me to get "down in the dumps", and sometimes I do, but I always try to be positive. I heard a great speaker one time at a convention in Mobile who said "What you focus on expands." For example, if you really want a certain kind of car, you start seeing that car everywhere you go. It is not because everyone just started buying the car you wanted all of a sudden, it just catches your eye more often because you are focusing on it. If you focus on all the negatives in your life, just like the car the negatives will catch your eye more and your life will always be negative.

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